Monday, November 9, 2015

Chapter 8

Christ seated, from CivitaLatina, Italy, ca. 350–375. Marble, 241/2high. MuseoNazionaleRomano–Palazzo Massimo alleTerme, Rome.



Restored cutaway view of the Christian community house, Dura-Europos, Syria, ca. 240–256





Sarcophagus of JuniusBassus, from Rome, Italy, ca. 359. Marble, 3’ 10 ½” x 8’. MuseoStoricodel Tesoro dellaBasilica di San Pietro, Rome.






Interior of Santa Sabina, Rome, Italy, 422–432. Timbered-roofed with Corinthian columns.




Miracle of the loaves and fishes, mosaic from the top register of the nave wall (above the clerestory windows) of SantApollinareNuovo, Ravenna, Italy, ca. 50






Woman sacrificing at an altar, right leaf of the diptych of the Nicomachi and the Symmachi, ca. 400. Ivory, 11 3/4X 5 1/2. Victoria and Albert Museum, London





23AMosaic decoration of the dome of the Orthodox Baptistery (San Giovanni in Fonte), Ravenna,Italy, ca. 458

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