Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Alkhazneh "treasury" in Petra, Jordan, in second century BCE. Tomb facades cut into the sheer rock faces of the local rose- colored mountains, used Greeks architectural elements in a purely ornamental fashion and with the studies disregard for Classical Rules.
Temple of Venus, the left plan and the restored view of the right, in Baalbek, Lebannon, in third century CE."baroque" temple violates almost every rule of Classical design, it has a scalloped platform and entablature, five sided Corinthian capitals and faced with an arch inside the pediment.
Frigidarium, Baths of Diocletian, Rome,Italy, 298-306, Remodeled by Michelangelo Buinarroti at the nave of santa maria degil angeli 1563.
Arch of Constantine (looking southwest) Rome, Italy 312-315 BCE. Much of the sculptural decoration of constantines arch came from monuments of Trajan Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius Sculptors recut the heads of the earlier emperors to substitute Constantines features.
Gardenscape, Second Style wall painting from Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Italy, 30-20 BCE, Fresco, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome. The ultimate example of a Second Style, "picture window" wall is Livias gardens cape. to suggest recession the painter used atmosphere perspective intentionally blurring the most distant forms.
Procession of the imperial family, detail of the south frieze of the Ara Pacis, Augustate, Rome, Italy I3-9BCE, marble. Although inspired by the Frieze of the Parthenon, the Ara Pacis processions depict recognizable individuals, including children. August promoted marriage and childbearing.
Portrait, bust of Livia, from arsine Egypt , early first century, marble, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhages, although livia sports the latest Roman coiffure  her youthful appearance and sharply defined  features derive from images of greek goodness she died at 87, but never aged in her portraits.
Apollodorus of Damscus, Marked of Trajan ( looking northeast) Rome,Italy 100-112CE
Apollodorus of Damascus used brick faced concrete to transform the Qurinal hill overlook Trajan forum into a vast multilevel complex a barrel vaulted shops and administrative offices.
Mummy portrait of a priest of serapis from hawara Egypt, encaustic on wood british museum London. in roman times, the Egyptian continued to bury their dead in mummy cases, but painted portraits replced the traditional masks. the painting medium is encaustic color mixed with hot max
Pompey the great, who likened himself to alexander the great dared to places his own likeness on a coin until 44 BCE when Julius Ceaser shorthly before his assassination on the ides of march .55-50BCE
Seated portraits of the greek poet Menander detail of a fourth style mural painting in exedra 23 of the house of the menander Pompeii, 62-79 CE, seated menander is an enlarged version of the kind of author portrait that was a standard featured of ancient book, Classical author portraits  had an afterlife in medieval portrayals of the four eveangelists.

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