Monday, October 19, 2015

Chapter 5 Ancient Greece

who: Iktions
what: Parthenon ( looking southeast)
when: 447-438 BCE
where: acropolis, athens, Greece
why: celebrate the Athenian people
how:limestone or marble
who: athanadoros, hagesandros, and polydoros
what: head of odysseus
when: early first century
where;vills of Tiberius, sperlanga,Italy,
how: marble
why: grotto at the emperor Tiberius seaside villa at sperlonga
what: doryphoros ( spear bearer)
when:450-440 BCE
where: Pompeii, Italy
why:vision of ideal statue of a nude male athlete or warrior
which:romen copy from the palaestra

who:"sister" Peplos Kore
what: Anavysos kouros
when:530 BCE
where:Acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: votive statue

who: Kleitias and Ergotimos
what: Francois Vase
where: Chiusi, Italy
why: honoring the dead
how: krater
which: costly metal prototypes (same format as Geometric and Orientalizing vases)

Who: Dipylon Karter
What: Geometric Karter
When:740 BCE
Where: Dipylon cemetery in Athens Greece
Why: marked the grave of a man buried
How: ceramic pots / Karter

What: Kritios Boy
when:480 BCE
where: acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: to show how a person naturally stands
How: Marble

what: Erechtheion (looking northeast)
when: 421-405 BCE
where: acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: destroyed by Persians
which: honored athen and house the ancient wood images of goddess
who: Youth diving
what:Tomb of the diver
where: Temple del prete necropolis, Paestum Italy
when:480-470 BCE
why: classical mural
how: painting
which: symbolize the deceased plunge into the underworld
who: Epigons
What: third Gaul, trumpeter, dying gaul
where: temple of aphaia at aegina
when: 230-220 BCE
why: his defeated,
how: marble
which: dying gaul, roman copy of a bronze statue
who: Exekias
what: Achilles killing penthesilea
when: 540-530 BCE
where: Etruscan tomb at Vulci
how: vase, painting


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