Sunday, October 25, 2015

Chapter 6 The Etruscans

Who: Apulu
What: Apollo of Veii
when: 510-500 BCE
where:  Protonaccio sanctuary Veii, Italy
How: Painted terracotta
why: displays energy and excitement that archaic Etruscan
what : interior of the Tomb of the Shields and Chairs
when : 550-500 BCE
Where : Banditaccia necropolis, cerveteri, Italy
which: plan follows that of typical Etruscan house

Who: Etruscan
What: Aule Metele
Where: Cortona, Italy
When: early first century bce
why: raising his hand to address an addembly
How: bronze casting statute
who: Etruscan
what: Capitoline Wolf
when:500-480 BCE
where:Rome, Italy
why: she-wolf nursed two infants Romulus and Remus
how: cast bronze statue

what: Fibula with Orientalizing
where: Regolini Galassi Tomb, italy
when: 650-640BCE
how:gold fibula clasp or safety pin
why: emulating eastern imports is masterful combining repousse and granulation

who: Archaeologist
what: Model of a typical Etruscan temple
when: sixth century bce
where: Roma, Rome
how:wood, mud brick
why: archaic Etruscan  temple based on vitruvius accounts
what: Porta Mariza
when: second century BCE
where: Perugia, Italy
how: trapezoidal stone vossoirs
which: arches of similar construction have been documented earlier Greece and Mesopotamia

who: Lars Pulena
what:  Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai and Arnth Tetnies
when: 350-300 BCE
where: Etruscan city state
how: sculptor
why: symptomatic of the economic and political decline of the once mighty
who: Francesco de Ficoroni
what: Ficoroni Cista
when: 400-375 BCE
where:Palestrina made in Rome
how: bronze
why: dindia macolnia a local noblewomen gave the cista (the large found to date ) to her daughter and the artist was Novios Plautios
who: Etruscan painters
what: Tomb of the Triclinium
when: 480- 470 Bce
how: Paint

Monday, October 19, 2015

Chapter 5 Ancient Greece

who: Iktions
what: Parthenon ( looking southeast)
when: 447-438 BCE
where: acropolis, athens, Greece
why: celebrate the Athenian people
how:limestone or marble
who: athanadoros, hagesandros, and polydoros
what: head of odysseus
when: early first century
where;vills of Tiberius, sperlanga,Italy,
how: marble
why: grotto at the emperor Tiberius seaside villa at sperlonga
what: doryphoros ( spear bearer)
when:450-440 BCE
where: Pompeii, Italy
why:vision of ideal statue of a nude male athlete or warrior
which:romen copy from the palaestra

who:"sister" Peplos Kore
what: Anavysos kouros
when:530 BCE
where:Acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: votive statue

who: Kleitias and Ergotimos
what: Francois Vase
where: Chiusi, Italy
why: honoring the dead
how: krater
which: costly metal prototypes (same format as Geometric and Orientalizing vases)

Who: Dipylon Karter
What: Geometric Karter
When:740 BCE
Where: Dipylon cemetery in Athens Greece
Why: marked the grave of a man buried
How: ceramic pots / Karter

What: Kritios Boy
when:480 BCE
where: acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: to show how a person naturally stands
How: Marble

what: Erechtheion (looking northeast)
when: 421-405 BCE
where: acropolis, Athens, Greece
why: destroyed by Persians
which: honored athen and house the ancient wood images of goddess
who: Youth diving
what:Tomb of the diver
where: Temple del prete necropolis, Paestum Italy
when:480-470 BCE
why: classical mural
how: painting
which: symbolize the deceased plunge into the underworld
who: Epigons
What: third Gaul, trumpeter, dying gaul
where: temple of aphaia at aegina
when: 230-220 BCE
why: his defeated,
how: marble
which: dying gaul, roman copy of a bronze statue
who: Exekias
what: Achilles killing penthesilea
when: 540-530 BCE
where: Etruscan tomb at Vulci
how: vase, painting


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chapter 4

Snake Goddess
This figure may represent a priestess, but it is more likely a bare-breasted goddess. The snake in her hands and the feline on her head imply that she has power over the animal world. most striking palace at Knossos is faience. Represent mortal priestesses rather than deity.
Keros Musician
The meaning of all Cycaladic figurines is elusive, but this seated musician may be playing for the deceased in the afterlife. The statuette displays simple geometric shapes and flat planes. Represent men, the figure remains elusive. Keen interest in recording the elegant shape of what may have been the priced possession: the harp with a duck-bill or swan-head ornament